
Index options.


Instance Properties

Name Description Access
beforeCrossReferenceSeparator string The character(s) inserted at the start of cross references. read-write
betweenEntriesSeparator string The character(s) inserted between index entries when runin-style index format is used for nested topics. read-write
betweenPageNumbersSeparator string The character(s) inserted between separate page numbers, page numbers and page ranges, and series of page ranges. read-write
crossReferenceStyle CharacterStyle The character style applied to cross references. read-write
crossReferenceTopicStyle CharacterStyle The character style applied to cross reference topics. read-write
entryEndSeparator string The character(s) inserted at the end of each index entry. read-write
eventListeners EventListeners A collection of event listeners. read-only
events Events A collection of events. read-only
followingTopicSeparator string The character(s) inserted after each index topic. read-write
includeBookDocuments bool If true, includes topics and page references from all the documents in a book. read-write
includeEmptyIndexSections bool If true, displays headings for sections with no index topics. Note: Valid only when include section headings is true. read-write
includeHiddenEntries bool If true, includes topics and page references on hidden layers. read-write
includeSectionHeadings bool If true, displays the letters of the alphabet as index section headings. read-write
indexFormat IndexFormat The format for level 2 and lower index topics. read-write
isValid bool Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. read-only
level1Style ParagraphStyle The paragraph style applied to level 1 index topics. read-write
level2Style ParagraphStyle The paragraph style applied to level 2 index topics. read-write
level3Style ParagraphStyle The paragraph style applied to level 3 index topics. read-write
level4Style ParagraphStyle The paragraph style applied to level 4 index topics. read-write
pageNumberStyle CharacterStyle The character style applied to page numbers in the index. read-write
pageRangeSeparator string The character(s) inserted between page numbers to indicate a page range. read-write
parent The parent of the IndexOptions (a Document or Application). read-only
properties Object A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. read-write
replaceExistingIndex bool If true, replaces the content of the existing index. Note: Replaces only index content; does not update the index location or other index properties that may have been changed. read-write
sectionHeadingStyle ParagraphStyle The paragraph style applied to index section headings. Note: Valid when include section headings is true. read-write
title string The title of the generated index. read-write
titleStyle ParagraphStyle The paragraph style applied to the title of the generated index. Can also accept: String. read-write


eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → EventListener
eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → bool
 → string
 → string
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → EventListener
Adds an event listener.
eventType string The event type.
handler The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
 → IndexOptions
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → bool
Removes the event listener.
eventType string The registered event type.
handler The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
 → string
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the IndexOptions.
 → string
Retrieves the object specifier.