
Options for index page references.

Static Properties

Name Description
CURRENT_PAGE The page on which the index entry is located.
FOR_NEXT_N_PAGES The range of pages from the page containing the inedex entry to the nth page after that page (where n is the number of pages to include).
FOR_NEXT_N_PARAGRAPHS The range of pages from the page containing the index entry to the page containing the nth full paragraph from the paragraph containing the index entry (where n is the number of paragraphs to include).
SUPPRESS_PAGE_NUMBERS Turns off page numbers for the index topic.
TO_END_OF_DOCUMENT The last page in the document.
TO_END_OF_SECTION The last page in the numbered section containing the index entry.
TO_END_OF_STORY The last page in the story containing the index entry.
TO_NEXT_STYLE_CHANGE The range of pages from the page containing the index entry to the page containing the next paragraph style change.
TO_NEXT_USE_OF_STYLE The range of pages from the page containing the index entry to the page that contains the next occurrance of the specified paragraph style. If no paragraph style is specified, the paragraph style of the index entry paragraph is used.