
The application.

Static Properties

Name Description
AFTER_ACTIVATE = "afterActivate" string Dispatched after the Application becomes active. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_CLOSE = "afterClose" string Dispatched after a Document is closed. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_CONTEXT_CHANGED = "afterContextChanged" string Dispatched after the active context changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_QUIT = "afterQuit" string Dispatched when the Application is quitting. Since the quit has been committed, it can not be canceled. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_SELECTION_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED = "afterSelectionAttributeChanged" string Dispatched after an attribute on the active selection changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_SELECTION_CHANGED = "afterSelectionChanged" string Dispatched after the active selection changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
BEFORE_DEACTIVATE = "beforeDeactivate" string Dispatched before the Application becomes inactive. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
BEFORE_NEW = "beforeNew" string Dispatched before a Document is created. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_OPEN = "beforeOpen" string Dispatched before a Document is opened. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_QUIT = "beforeQuit" string Dispatched before the Application is quit. Allows the quit to be canceled. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
K4_AFTER_FINISH_TASK = "k4AfterFinishTask" string After finish task action This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
K4_AFTER_SAVE_VERSION = "k4AfterSaveVersion" string After save version action This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
K4_BEFORE_FINISH_TASK = "k4BeforeFinishTask" string Before finish task action This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
K4_BEFORE_SAVE_VERSION = "k4BeforeSaveVersion" string Before save version action This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
K4_FINISH_TASK_DIALOG_OK = "k4FinishTaskDialogOK" string After click on OK button in finish task dialog This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.

Instance Properties

Name Description Access
activeBook Book The active book. read-write
activeDocument Document The front-most document. read-write
activeScript File The current script running from the Scripts panel. read-only
activeScriptUndoMode UndoModes The undo mode for the current script execution. read-only
activeWindow The front-most window. Can return: Window, LayoutWindow or StoryWindow. read-write
alignDistributePreferences AlignDistributePreference Preferences for alignment and distribution. read-only
allCellStyles CellStyle All Cell styles read-only
allCharacterStyles CharacterStyle Lists all character styles (regardless of their group). read-only
allObjectStyles ObjectStyle All object styles contained by the Application. read-only
allParagraphStyles ParagraphStyle Lists all paragraph styles (regardless of their group). read-only
allPreflightObjectTypes string The list of all object types (strings) a preflight rule can operate on. read-only
allPreflightRuleCategories string The list of all categories that have been declared by rules. read-only
allPreflightRuleIDs string The list of all known (declared) rule IDs. read-only
allTableStyles TableStyle All Table styles read-only
anchoredObjectDefaults AnchoredObjectDefault Anchored object default settings. read-only
anchoredObjectSettings AnchoredObjectSetting Anchored object settings. read-only
autoCorrectPreferences AutoCorrectPreference Auto-correct preferences. read-only
autoCorrectTables AutoCorrectTables A collection of auto-correct tables. read-only
backgroundTasks BackgroundTasks A collection of background task objects. read-only
baselineFrameGridOptions BaselineFrameGridOption Baseline frame grid option settings. read-only
books Books A collection of books. read-only
buttonPreferences ButtonPreference Button preference settings. read-only
cellStyleGroups CellStyleGroups A collection of cell style groups. read-only
cellStyleMappings CellStyleMappings A collection of cell style mappings. read-only
cellStyles CellStyles A collection of cell styles. read-only
changeGlyphPreferences ChangeGlyphPreference Change glyph preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
changeGrepPreferences ChangeGrepPreference Change grep preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
changeObjectPreferences ChangeObjectPreference Change object preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
changeTextPreferences ChangeTextPreference Change text preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
changeTransliteratePreferences ChangeTransliteratePreference Change transliterate preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
charStyleMappings CharStyleMappings A collection of char style mappings. read-only
characterStyleGroups CharacterStyleGroups A collection of character style groups. read-only
characterStyles CharacterStyles A collection of character styles. read-only
cjkGridPreferences CjkGridPreference CJK grid preference settings. read-only
clearOverridesWhenApplyingStyle bool Clear overrides first before applying object style read-write
clipboardPreferences ClipboardPreference Clipboard preference properties that define the way that the application interacts with the system clipboard. read-only
colorGroups ColorGroups A collection of color groups. read-only
colorSettings ColorSetting Color setting properties that define color management defaults. read-only
colors Colors A collection of colors. read-only
compositeFonts CompositeFonts A collection of composite fonts. read-only
conditionSets ConditionSets A collection of condition sets for conditional text. read-only
conditionalTextPreferences ConditionalTextPreference Conditional text preferences. read-only
conditions Conditions A collection of conditions for conditional text. read-only
contentPlacer ContentPlacerObject The Content Placer. Used to get a reference to the content placer object. read-only
dashedStrokeStyles DashedStrokeStyles A collection of dashed stroke styles. read-only
dataMergeOptions DataMergeOption The data merge option properties that define the data merge. read-only
dialogs Dialogs A collection of dialogs. read-only
dictionaryPreferences DictionaryPreference User dictionary preference settings. read-only
displayPerformancePreferences DisplayPerformancePreference Display performance settings. read-only
displaySettings DisplaySettings Display setting properties. read-only
documentPreferences DocumentPreference Document preference settings. read-only
documentPresets DocumentPresets A collection of document presets. read-only
documents Documents A collection of documents. read-only
dottedStrokeStyles DottedStrokeStyles A collection of dotted stroke styles. read-only
endnoteOptions EndnoteOption Endnote option settings. read-only
epsExportPreferences EPSExportPreference EPS export preferences. read-only
epsImportPreferences EPSImportPreference EPS import preferences. read-only
epubViewingAppsPreferences EPubExportPreviewAppPreference EPub export preview app preference settings. read-only
eventListeners EventListeners A collection of event listeners. read-only
events Events A collection of events. read-only
excelImportPreferences ExcelImportPreference Excel import preferences. read-only
exportForWebPreferences ExportForWebPreference The default export for web preferences. read-only
featureSet FeatureSetOptions The feature set. read-only
filePath File The full path to the file. read-only
findChangeGlyphOptions FindChangeGlyphOption Find/change glyph options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findChangeGrepOptions FindChangeGrepOption Find/change grep options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findChangeObjectOptions FindChangeObjectOption Find/change object options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findChangeTextOptions FindChangeTextOption Find/change text options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findChangeTransliterateOptions FindChangeTransliterateOption Find/change transliterate options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findGlyphPreferences FindGlyphPreference Find glyph preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findGrepPreferences FindGrepPreference Find grep preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findObjectPreferences FindObjectPreference Find object preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findTextPreferences FindTextPreference Find text preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
findTransliteratePreferences FindTransliteratePreference Find transliterate preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
flattenerPresets FlattenerPresets A collection of transparency flattener presets. read-only
fontLockingPreferences FontLockingPreference Font locking preference settings. read-only
fonts Fonts A collection of fonts. read-only
footnoteOptions FootnoteOption Footnote option settings. read-only
frameFittingOptions FrameFittingOption The frame fitting option to apply to placed or pasted content. Can be applied to a frame, object style, or document or to the application. read-only
fullName File The full path to the Application, including the name of the Application. read-only
galleyPreferences GalleyPreference Galley preference settings. read-only
generalPreferences GeneralPreference General preference settings. read-only
gpuPerformancePreferences GpuPerformancePreference GPU performance preferences. read-only
grabberPreferences GrabberPreference Grabber preference properties that define display performance quality during scrolling. read-only
gradients Gradients A collection of gradients. read-only
gridPreferences GridPreference Grid preference settings. read-only
gridPrintingPreferences GridPrintingPreference Grid printing preference and export settings. read-only
guidePreferences GuidePreference Guide preference settings. read-only
httpLinkConnectionManager HttpLinkConnectionManagerObject Experimental: Connection manager property read-write
idleTasks IdleTasks All attachable idle tasks. read-only
imageIOPreferences ImageIOPreference The image I/O preference properties that define preferences for importing images. read-only
imagePreferences ImagePreference Image preferences. read-only
imePreferences IMEPreference IME preference settings. read-only
importedPageAttributes ImportedPageAttribute Placed InDesign page attributes. read-only
incopyExportOptions InCopyExportOption Export options for InCopy INCX document format. read-only
indexGenerationOptions IndexOptions The index options properties that define how an index is formatted. read-only
indexingSortOptions IndexingSortOptions A collection of indexing sort options. read-only
inks Inks A collection of inks. read-only
interactivePDFExportPreferences InteractivePDFExportPreference Interactive PDF export preferences. read-only
isValid bool Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. read-only
jpegExportPreferences JPEGExportPreference JPEG export preferences. read-only
k4EventInfos K4EventInfos K4 Event Infos read-only
k4FinishTaskDialogObjects K4FinishTaskDialogObjects K4 Finish Task Dialog Objects read-only
k4ObjectsWithTasks K4ObjectsWithTasks K4 Objects With Tasks read-only
k4Publications K4Publications All K4 Publications logged in to read-only
kinsokuTables KinsokuTables A collection of kinsoku tables. read-only
label string A property that can be set to any string. read-write
languagesWithVendors LanguagesWithVendors A collection of languages with vendors. read-only
layoutAdjustmentPreferences LayoutAdjustmentPreference Layout sdjustment preference settings. read-only
layoutGridData LayoutGridDataInformation Default properties specific to layout grids. read-only
layoutWindows LayoutWindows A collection of layout windows. read-only
libraries Libraries A collection of object libraries. read-only
linkedPageItemOptions LinkedPageItemOption Linked Page Item options read-only
linkedStoryOptions LinkedStoryOption Linked story options read-only
linkingPreferences LinkingPreference The links preference properties that define preferences for links. read-only
liveScreenDrawing LiveDrawingOptions Delay before mouse operations trigger live screen drawing of page items. read-write
locale Locale The locale of the application. read-only
marginPreferences MarginPreference Margin preference settings. read-only
menuActions MenuActions A collection of menu actions. read-only
menus Menus A collection of menus. read-only
mixedInkGroups MixedInkGroups A collection of mixed ink groups. read-only
mixedInks MixedInks A collection of mixed inks. read-only
modalState bool If true, a modal dialog or alert is active. read-only
mojikumiTables MojikumiTables A collection of mojikumi tables. read-only
mojikumiUIPreferences MojikumiUiPreference Mojikumi user interface preference settings. read-only
motionPresets MotionPresets A collection of Motion presets. read-only
name string The name of the Application. read-only
namedGrids NamedGrids A collection of named grids. read-only
notePreferences NotePreference Note preference settings. read-only
numberingLists NumberingLists A collection of numbered lists. read-only
objectStyleGroups ObjectStyleGroups A collection of object style groups. read-only
objectStyles ObjectStyles A collection of object styles. read-only
pageItemDefaults PageItemDefault The default page item formatting for the Application. read-only
panels Panels A collection of panels. read-only
paraStyleMappings ParaStyleMappings A collection of para style mappings. read-only
paragraphStyleGroups ParagraphStyleGroups A collection of paragraph style groups. read-only
paragraphStyles ParagraphStyles A collection of paragraph styles. read-only
parent Application The parent of the Application (a Application). read-only
pasteboardPreferences PasteboardPreference Pasteboard preference settings. read-only
pdfExportPreferences PDFExportPreference A collection of PDF export preferences. read-only
pdfExportPresets PDFExportPresets A collection of PDF export presets. read-only
pdfPlacePreferences PDFPlacePreference The PDF place preference properties that define how PDF files are placed in the current document. read-only
performanceMetrics number The available performance metrics. read-only
placeableFileExtensions string Lists the extensions of file types that can be placed. read-only
placeableFileTypes string Lists the types of files that can be placed. read-only
pngExportPreferences PNGExportPreference PNG export preferences. read-only
polygonPreferences PolygonPreference Polygon preference properties to use to define default settings for creating a polygon. read-only
preferences Preferences A collection of preferences objects. read-only
preflightBookOptions PreflightBookOption Preflight book option settings. read-only
preflightOptions PreflightOption Preflight option settings. read-only
preflightProcesses PreflightProcesses A collection of preflight processes. read-only
preflightProfiles PreflightProfiles A collection of preflight profiles. read-only
preflightRules PreflightRules A collection of preflight rules. read-only
printerPresets PrinterPresets A collection of printer presets. read-only
properties Object A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. read-write
redoHistory string The names of the items in the redo stack. read-only
redoName string The name of the action on the top of the redo stack. read-only
scriptArgs ScriptArg Arguments to pass to a script. read-only
scriptMenuActions ScriptMenuActions A collection of script menu actions. read-only
scriptPreferences ScriptPreference Script preferences. read-only
selection Object The selected object(s). Can also accept: Object or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
selectionKeyObject PageItem The key object of the selection. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
serialNumber string The user's serial number. read-only
smartGuidePreferences SmartGuidePreference Smart Guide preference properties. read-only
spellPreferences SpellPreference Spell-check preferences. read-only
storyGridData StoryGridDataInformation Default properties specific to frame grids. read-only
storyPreferences StoryPreference Story preference settings. read-only
storyWindows StoryWindows A collection of story windows. read-only
stripedStrokeStyles StripedStrokeStyles A collection of striped stroke styles. read-only
strokeFillProxySettings StrokeFillProxySetting Stroke/fill proxy settings. read-only
strokeStyles StrokeStyles A collection of stroke styles. read-only
swatches Swatches A collection of swatches. read-only
swfExportPreferences SWFExportPreference SWF export preferences. read-only
tableStyleGroups TableStyleGroups A collection of table style groups. read-only
tableStyleMappings TableStyleMappings A collection of table style mappings. read-only
tableStyles TableStyles A collection of table styles. read-only
taggedPDFPreferences TaggedPDFPreference Tagged PDF preferences. read-only
taggedTextExportPreferences TaggedTextExportPreference Tagged text export preferences. read-only
taggedTextImportPreferences TaggedTextImportPreference Tagged text import preferences. read-only
textDefaults TextDefault Text default settings. read-only
textEditingPreferences TextEditingPreference Text editing preference settings. read-only
textExportPreferences TextExportPreference Text export preferences. read-only
textFrameFootnoteOptions TextFrameFootnoteOptionsObject Text frame footnote options settings. read-only
textFramePreferences TextFramePreference Text frame preference settings. read-only
textImportPreferences TextImportPreference Text import preferences. read-only
textPreferences TextPreference Text preference settings. read-only
textVariables TextVariables A collection of text variables. read-only
textWrapPreferences TextWrapPreference The text wrap preference properties that define the default formatting for wrapping text around objects. read-only
tints Tints A collection of tints. read-only
toolBoxTools ToolBox The current tool box states read-only
trackChangesPreferences TrackChangesPreference Track changes preference settings. read-only
transformPreferences TransformPreference Transform preference properties that define default behaviors when transforming objects. Note: Transforming includes rotation, scaling, flipping, and shearing. read-only
transformationMatrices TransformationMatrices A collection of transformation matrices. read-only
transparencyPreferences TransparencyPreference Transparency preference settings. read-only
trapPresets TrapPresets A collection of trap presets. read-only
typeContextualUiPrefs TypeContextualUiPreference Preferences for showing contextual ui for alternates. read-only
undoHistory string The names of the items in the undo stack. read-only
undoName string The name of the action on the top of the undo stack. read-only
unusedSwatches Swatch The swatches that are not being used. read-only
userAdobeId string The current user's adobe id read-only
userColor The color assigned to the tracked changes and notes created by the user, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255 and representing R, G, and B values, or as an InCopy UI color. Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or InCopyUIColors enumerator. read-write
userDictionaries UserDictionaries A collection of user dictionaries. read-only
userGuid string The current user's GUID read-only
userName string The user associated with the tracked changes and notes. read-write
version string The application version. read-only
viewPreferences ViewPreference View preference settings. read-only
visible bool If true, the Application is visible. read-only
watermarkPreferences WatermarkPreference Watermark preferences read-only
windows Windows A collection of windows. read-only
wordRTFImportPreferences WordRTFImportPreference Word and RTF import preferences. read-only
xflExportPreferences XFLExportPreference XFL export preferences. read-only
xmlExportMaps XMLExportMaps A collection of XML export maps. read-only
xmlExportPreferences XMLExportPreference XML export preference settings. read-only
xmlImportMaps XMLImportMaps A collection of XML import maps. read-only
xmlImportPreferences XMLImportPreference XML import preference settings. read-only
xmlPreferences XMLPreference The XML preference settings. read-only
xmlRuleProcessors XMLRuleProcessors A collection of XML rule processors. read-only
xmlTags XMLTags A collection of XML tags. read-only
xmlViewPreferences XMLViewPreference XML view preference settings. read-only


eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → EventListener
 → Text
 → Text
 → PageItem
 → Text
 → Text
colorValue, sourceColorSpace, destinationColorSpace)
 → number
miniFolioDescription, destination)
 → string
queryName, searchMode)
script ​[, language], withArguments ​[, undoMode] ​[, undoName])
destination, portraitDocument, landscapeDocument, folioMetadata, miniFolioParams)
 → string
destination, document, dpsArticleParams)
 → string
destination, miniFolioList, folioMetadata, exportFolioParams)
destination, miniFolioList, folioMetadata, exportFolioParams)
destination, miniFolioList, folioMetadata, exportFolioParams)
destination, portraitDocument, landscapeDocument, folioMetadata, miniFolioParams)
 → string
format, to ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave])
to, strokeStyleList ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave])
 → string
 → Text
 → Text
 → string
 → PageItem
 → Text
 → Text
to ​[, packageFormat])
portraitDocumentForCheckingOverlays, landscapeDocumentForCheckingOverlays, miniFolioParams)
 → string
 → string
 → string
 → string
 → number
format, from)
format, from ​[, globalStrategy])
key, value)
space, colorValue)
 → string
 → bool
 → bool
k4UserName, k4Password, k4Domain)
k4PublicationID, k4UserName, k4Password, k4Domain)
k4PublicationId, k4WfObjectVariantId)
k4PublicationId, k4WfObjectVariantId)
publicationid, wfobjectvariantid)
publicationid, wfobjectvariantid, taskinstanceids)
from ​[, loadConditionSets])
queryName, searchMode)
serverURL, projectName)
from ​[, showingWindow] ​[, openOption])
 → bool
sourceFolder, ucfFile ​[, mimeMediaType])
 → string
 → string
fileName ​[, showingOptions] ​[, withProperties])
from ​[, printDialog], using)
eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → bool
 → bool
queryName, searchMode)
to, swatchList ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave])
to ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave])
selectableItems ​[, existingSelection])
maxwidth, maxheight)
 → string
 → string
 → string
ucfFile, destinationFolder)
Makes the application the front-most or active window.
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → EventListener
Adds an event listener.
eventType string The event type.
handler The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
Applies the specified menu customization set. An empty string will reset all menus and colorization (Show Full Menus). No string will apply the default menu set.
name string The menu customization set. (Optional)
Applies the specified shortcut set file. No string will apply the default shortcut set.
name string The shortcut set. (Optional)
Applies the specified workspace.
name string The workspace. (Optional)
Cancels all the background tasks.
Cascades all document windows.
 → Text
Finds glyphs that match the find what value and replaces the glyphs with the change to value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
 → Text
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
 → PageItem
Finds objects that match the find what value and replace the objects with the change to value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
 → Text
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
 → Text
Finds text that matches the find character type value and replaces the text with the change character type value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Removes the frame fittings options and resets it to the initial state.
colorValue, sourceColorSpace, destinationColorSpace)
 → number
Transforms color values
colorValue Array<number> source color value
sourceColorSpace ColorSpace source color space
destinationColorSpace ColorSpace destination color space
Copies the selection in the active document window to the clipboard.
miniFolioDescription, destination)
Create a mini-folio out of asset and overlay descriptions. Schema for the mini folio description: || Key || Type || Required? || Description || | contentstackid | string | yes | The explicit ID to be used for this stack | | tocImage | file | no | The TOC image for the mini-folio | | narrowdimension | int | no | Targetted export size, measured along narrow dimension | | widedimension | int | no | Targetted export size, measured along wide dimension | | smoothscrolling | @enum(SmoothScrollingOptions) | no | The smooth scrolling behavior for this stack (default is noSmoothScroll) | | locationforgeneratedassets | file | no | If included, this is an existing directory where the generated assets should be created. | | overlays | array | no | see the SDK Overlay Builder APIs | | assets | array | yes | The assets for the mini - folio, described below. | | assetDependencies | array | no | Files that are needed by the asset, that will be included in the package but not the manifest. | | metadata | array | no | The metadata for the mini-folio described below. | | showprogressbar | boolean | no | Either true or false to indicate whether we should show a progress bar (default is false) | | targetviewerversion | string | no | If provided (in the form "major.minor.revision") a folio compatible with the viewer version is produced. If omitted, the latest folio format is produced. | CS5 | The following are fields in the array for "assets": || Key || Type || Required? || Description || | file | file | yes | The asset file | | type | string | yes | The asset file type, either "web" for HTML or "image" for a raster | | width | int | yes | The asset width | | height | int | yes | The asset height | | orientation | string | yes | The asset orientation, either "portrait" or "landscape" | | thumbnail | file | no | A thumbnail of the asset to be used in browse mode | | scrubber | file | no | A thumbnail of the asset to be used in scrubber mode | The following are fields in the array for "assetDependencies": || Key || Type || Required? || Description || | file | file | no | The dependent file | | relativePath | string | no | The relative path to the file, for use in the package | The following are fields in the array for "metadata": || Key || Type || Required? || Description || | any string | string or boolean | no | any key/value where the key is a string, and the value is either a string or a boolean, such as those described in "export folio meta data" |
miniFolioDescription A dictionary describing the custom mini folio to create. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:Boolean, Long Integer, Long Long Integer, String, File or Array of Any Types.
destination File The location to write the file.
 → string
Creates a temporary copy of the file
from File The file to be copied
Cuts the selection in the active document window and stores it in the clipboard.
queryName, searchMode)
Deletes the specified find/change query.
queryName string The query to delete.
searchMode SearchModes The search mode.
Deletes unused XML markup tags.
script ​[, language=ScriptLanguage.UNKNOWN], withArguments ​[, undoMode=UndoModes.SCRIPT_REQUEST] ​[, undoName="Script"])
Executes the script in the specified language as a single transaction.
script The script to execute. Can accept: File, String or JavaScript Function.
language ScriptLanguage The language of the script to execute. If not specified, uses the language used to call this method. (Optional)
withArguments An array of arguments passed to the script. (Optional)
undoMode UndoModes How to undo this script. (Optional)
undoName string The name of the undo step for entire script undo mode. (Optional)
from, to)
Dumps memory allocations from all marks in the specified range.
from Array<number> The first mark in the range.
to Array<number> The last mark in the range.
Dumps memory allocations from the specified mark.
from Array<number> The mark from which to dump memory.
destination, portraitDocument, landscapeDocument, folioMetadata, miniFolioParams)
 → string
Export the specified documents to an article folio. Note: This method behaves identically to @method(exportMiniFolio), but differs in its return value. @method(exportMiniFolio) returns an array of warning strings whereas this method returns an XML structure.
destination File The location to write the file.
portraitDocument Document The InDesign document for the stack's portrait orientation.
landscapeDocument Document The InDesign document for the stack's landscape orientation.
folioMetadata Optional meta data for the mini folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. (Optional)
miniFolioParams Options for exporting a mini folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional)
destination, document, dpsArticleParams)
 → string
Export the specified document to a DPS article. Note: This method behaves similarly to @method(exportMiniFolio), but differs in its parameters.
destination File The location to write the file.
document Document The source InDesign document.
dpsArticleParams Options for exporting a DPS article. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type.
destination, miniFolioList, folioMetadata, exportFolioParams)
Export the selected documents to a directory.
destination File The directory to write the folio.
miniFolioList The mini folio(es) to add to the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files.
folioMetadata Meta data for the folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String.
exportFolioParams Additional options for export folios. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional)
destination, miniFolioList, folioMetadata, exportFolioParams)
Export the selected documents to a compressed folio file that contains non-compressed mini folios.
destination File The location to write the package.
miniFolioList The mini folio(es) to add to the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files.
folioMetadata Meta data for the folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String.
exportFolioParams Additional options for export folios. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional)
destination, miniFolioList, folioMetadata, exportFolioParams)
Export the selected documents to a compressed folio file that contains compressed mini folios.
destination File The location to write the package.
miniFolioList The mini folio(es) to add to the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files.
folioMetadata Meta data for the folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String.
exportFolioParams Additional options for export folios. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional)
destination, portraitDocument, landscapeDocument, folioMetadata, miniFolioParams)
 → string
Export the specified documents to a mini-folio.
destination File The location to write the file.
portraitDocument Document The InDesign document for the stack's portrait orientation.
landscapeDocument Document The InDesign document for the stack's landscape orientation.
folioMetadata Optional meta data for the mini folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. (Optional)
miniFolioParams Options for exporting a mini folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional)
format, to ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave=false])
Export the presets to a file.
format ExportPresetFormat The preset format.
to File The file to export to.
versionComments string The comments for this version. (Optional)
forceSave bool Forcibly save a version. (Optional)
 → bool
Exports selection as assets required for cloud library.
to File The path to the export file.
to, strokeStyleList ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave=false])
Exports stroke styles or presets.
to File The file to save to
strokeStyleList Array<StrokeStyle> The list of stroke styles to save
versionComments string The comment for this version (Optional)
forceSave bool Forcibly save a version (Optional)
 → string
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
key string The key.
 → Text
Finds glyphs that match the find what value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
 → Text
Finds text that matches the find what value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
 → string
Returns the locale-independent string(s) from the internal string localization database that correspond to the specified string (in the current locale).
for string The string to search for.
 → PageItem
Finds objects that match the find what value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
 → Text
Finds text that matches the find what value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
 → Text
Finds text that matches the find character type value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
to ​[, packageFormat])
Generate schema for IDML.
to File The folder path of the schema.
packageFormat bool If true, generate schema for package format (multiple files). Default value is false. (Optional)
portraitDocumentForCheckingOverlays, landscapeDocumentForCheckingOverlays, miniFolioParams)
Get all overlays.
portraitDocumentForCheckingOverlays Document The portrait document for checking overlays.
landscapeDocumentForCheckingOverlays Document The landscape document for checking overlays.
miniFolioParams Options for exporting a mini folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional)
 → string
Get a JSON string for the CCX Welcome dialog.
jsondata string mode description (Optional)
 → string
Get the current digital publishing article version number for the given parameter.
digpubArticleVersion DigpubArticleVersion Version string(s) to retrieve.
 → string
Get the current digital publishing version number for the given parameter.
digpubVersion DigpubVersion Version string(s) to retrieve.
 → Application
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
Get the resolution strategy for style conflict, false if the user cancels
charOrParaStyle StyleType Style type to look at. (Optional)
 → string
Get the list of article viewer versions the digital publishing plugin supports.
 → string
Get the list of viewer versions the digital publishing plugin supports.
 → number
Gets the count which will be used in the name of the next untitled document.
Gets the decision from the user to add the content of text frame or the complete story in case of threaded text frame.
 → Color
Imports a process color swatch from a preloaded Adobe color book.
name string The process color to load.
 → Color
Imports a spot color swatch from an Adobe color book.
name string The spot color to load.
format, from)
Imports presets from the specified file.
format ExportPresetFormat The type of preset to import.
from File The file to import presets from.
format, from ​[, globalStrategy=GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE])
Imports the specified styles.
format ImportFormat The types of styles to import.
from File The file containing the styles you want to import.
globalStrategy GlobalClashResolutionStrategy The resolution strategy to employ for imported styles that have the same names as existing styles. (Optional)
key, value)
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
key string The key.
value string The value.
space, colorValue)
 → string
Invokes InDesign's Color Picker.
space ColorSpace Color space RGB, CMYK or LAB
colorValue Array<number> Color values
 → bool
Whether the app is in touch mode or not.
 → bool
Whether user has opted-in to share usage data.
 → bool
K4 Get K4-Preferences Report New Assignments
 → bool
K4 Get Show Article Colors State
 → bool
K4 Get Show Frame Icons State
 → bool
K4 Get Show Frame Tools Tips State
K4 Handle Url
k4Url string K4 Url
k4UserName, k4Password, k4Domain)
K4 Log In
k4UserName string K4 User Name
k4Password string K4 Password
k4Domain string K4 Domain
k4PublicationID, k4UserName, k4Password, k4Domain)
K4 Log In To Publication
k4PublicationID string K4 Publication ID
k4UserName string K4 User Name
k4Password string K4 Password
k4Domain string K4 Domain
K4 Log Out From All Publications
K4 Set Article Colors State
show bool Show
K4 Set Frame Icons State
show bool Show
K4 Set Frame Tool Tips State
show bool Show
K4 Set K4-Preferences Report New Assignments
k4ReportNewAssignment bool K4 Report New Assignment
k4PublicationId, k4WfObjectVariantId)
K4 Switch Geometry
k4PublicationId string K4 Publication ID
k4WfObjectVariantId string K4 Workflow Object Variant ID
k4PublicationId, k4WfObjectVariantId)
K4 Update Geometry
k4PublicationId string K4 Publication ID
k4WfObjectVariantId string K4 Workflow Object Variant ID
publicationid, wfobjectvariantid)
K4 Internal Accept All Tasks For Object
publicationid string publication ID
wfobjectvariantid string Workflow object variant id
publicationid, wfobjectvariantid, taskinstanceids)
K4 Internal Accept Tasks For Object
publicationid string publication ID
wfobjectvariantid string Workflow object variant id
taskinstanceids Array<string> Task Instance IDs
from ​[, loadConditionSets])
Load conditions from the specified file.
from File The path to the file that contains the conditions.
loadConditionSets bool If true, load the condition sets as well. (Optional)
queryName, searchMode)
Loads the specified find/change query.
queryName string The query to load.
searchMode SearchModes The search mode.
 → MotionPreset
Load motion preset from the specified file.
from File The Flash motion preset file.
 → PreflightProfile
Load preflight profile from the specified file.
from File The InDesign preflight profile file or InDesign document.
Load swatches from the specified file.
from File The swatch file or InDesign document.
Loads a set of XML markup tags from the specified file.
from File The path to the file that contains the tags.
Gets the memory statistics from the server.
serverURL, projectName)
Mount a Version Cue project.
serverURL string The URL of the Version Cue server containing the project
projectName string The name of the Version Cue project to mount
from ​[, showingWindow=true] ​[, openOption=OpenOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE])
Opens the specified document, book, or library.
from The file path(s) to the document, book, or library. Can accept: File or Array of Files.
showingWindow bool If true, opens the document in a window. If false, the document is opened but is not displayed in a window. (Optional)
openOption OpenOptions How to open the document. (Optional)
 → bool
Opens the cloud library asset for editing.
jsondata string JSON encoded information about the asset to be edited.
Open the panel associated with the action.
id number The ID.
sourceFolder, ucfFile ​[, mimeMediaType="application/vnd.adobe.indesign-idml-package"])
Package a folder into a UCF file.
sourceFolder File The folder to be packaged into an IDML file. Does not validate structure of the folder pursuant to the IDML spec. Caller is responsible for making sure the files in the folder are correctly organized.
ucfFile File The destination UCF file. Will be overwritten if it already exists.
mimeMediaType string The MIME media type, default value identifies package as IDML. (Optional)
Pastes data from the clipboard into the active document window.
Pastes data from the clipboard into the active document window at the same position that the data held in its original document.
Pastes data from the clipboard into the selected object in the active document window.
Pastes data (minus formatting) from the clipboard into the active document window.
Gets the current value of the specified performance metric.
for The status to get from InDesign. Can accept: Long Integer or PerformanceMetricOptions enumerator.
 → string
Gets the long name of the specified performance metric.
for The status to get from InDesign. Can accept: Long Integer or PerformanceMetricOptions enumerator.
 → string
Gets the short name of the specified performance metric.
for The status to get from InDesign. Can accept: Long Integer or PerformanceMetricOptions enumerator.
fileName ​[, showingOptions=false] ​[, withProperties])
Place one or more files following the behavior of the place menu item. This may load the place gun or replace the selected object, depending on current preferences.
fileName One or more files to place. Can accept: File or Array of Files.
showingOptions bool Whether to display the import options dialog (Optional)
withProperties Object Initial values for properties of the placed object(s) (Optional)
from ​[, printDialog], using)
Prints the specified file(s).
from One or more file paths. Can accept: File or Array of Files.
printDialog bool Whether to invoke the print dialog (Optional)
using Printer preset to use. Can accept: PrinterPresetTypes enumerator or PrinterPreset. (Optional)
Quits the application.
saving SaveOptions The option to use for saving changes to open documents before quitting. (Optional)
Redoes the last action.
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → bool
Removes the event listener.
eventType string The registered event type.
handler The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
 → bool
Remove the file from most recently used files
to File The file to be removed
queryName, searchMode)
Saves the specified find/change query.
queryName string The query to save.
searchMode SearchModes The search mode.
to, swatchList ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave=false])
Saves the specified swatch(es) to a swatchbook file.
to File The swatchbook file to save to.
swatchList Array<Swatch> The swatch(es) to save.
versionComments string The comment for this version. (Optional)
forceSave bool If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional)
to ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave=false])
Saves a set of tags to an external file.
to File The full path to the file in which to save the tags.
versionComments string The comment for this version. (Optional)
forceSave bool If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional)
selectableItems ​[, existingSelection=SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH])
Selects the specified object(s).
selectableItems The objects to select. Can accept: Object, Array of Objects, NothingEnum enumerator or SelectAll enumerator.
existingSelection SelectionOptions The selection status of the Application in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional)
Sets the application's preferences.
applicationPreferences The IDML defaults file or enumeration. Can accept: File or LanguageAndRegion enumerator.
Set cloud libraries info.
librariesCollectionInfo string JSON encoded information about cloud libraries collection
maxwidth, maxheight)
Sets the export options for generation of a cloud asset.
maxwidth number The maximum width of the thumbnail generated in pixels.
maxheight number The maximum height of the thumbnail generated in pixels.
Sets the count which will be used in the name of the next untitled document.
untitledCount number The count to be used in the name of the next untitled document. Only positive values are expected
Tile all document windows
 → string
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Application.
 → string
Retrieves the object specifier.
Toggles the visibility of the entire panel system.
 → string
Translates a key string into localized form based on current application locale.
for string The key string to translate
Undoes the last action.
ucfFile, destinationFolder)
Unpackage a UCF file into a folder structure.
ucfFile File The UCF file to be unpackaged.
destinationFolder File The folder where you would like the UCF file unpackaged to. Will be created if it does not exist.
Forces a check for new fonts in the various Fonts folders.
 → TaskState
Waits for all the background tasks to finish.