
Spell-check preferences.


Instance Properties

Name Description Access
checkCapitalizedSentences bool If true, checks for uncapitalized first words in sentences. read-write
checkCapitalizedWords bool If true, checks for uncapitalized proper nouns. read-write
checkMisspelledWords bool If true, checks for misspelled words. read-write
checkRepeatedWords bool If true, checks for repeated words. read-write
dynamicSpellCheck bool If true, underlines misspelled and repeated words, uncapitalized proper nouns, and uncapitalized first words in sentences. Note: Valid only when the corresponding properties are true. For information, see check misspelled words, check repeated words, check capitalized words, and check capitalized sentences. read-write
eventListeners EventListeners A collection of event listeners. read-only
events Events A collection of events. read-only
isValid bool Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. read-only
misspelledWordColor The underline color for misspelled words, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255 and representing R, G, and B values, or as a UI color. Note: Valid only when both dynamic spell check and check misspelled words are true. Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or UIColors enumerator. read-write
parent Application The parent of the SpellPreference (a Application). read-only
properties Object A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. read-write
repeatedWordColor The underline color for repeated words, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255 and representing R, G, and B values, or as a UI color. Note: Valid only when both dynamic spell check and check repeated words are true. . Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or UIColors enumerator. read-write
uncapitalizedSentenceColor The underline color for the first word in sentences that do not begin with a capital letter, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255 and representing R, G, and B values, or as a UI color. Note: Valid when both dynamic spell check and check capitalized sentences are true. Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or UIColors enumerator. read-write
uncapitalizedWordColor The underline color for uncapitalized proper nouns, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255 and representing R, G, and B values, or as a UI color. Note: Valid only when both dynamic spell check and check capitalized words are true. . Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or UIColors enumerator. read-write


eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → EventListener
eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → bool
 → string
 → string
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → EventListener
Adds an event listener.
eventType string The event type.
handler The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
 → SpellPreference
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → bool
Removes the event listener.
eventType string The registered event type.
handler The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
 → string
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the SpellPreference.
 → string
Retrieves the object specifier.