
An event.

Static Properties

Name Description
AFTER_ACTIVATE = "afterActivate" string Dispatched after the Event becomes active. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_CLOSE = "afterClose" string Dispatched when a Event is closing. Since the close has been committed, it can no longer be canceled. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_CONTEXT_CHANGED = "afterContextChanged" string Dispatched after the active context changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_DELETE = "afterDelete" string Dispatched after a Event is deleted. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_EMBED = "afterEmbed" string Dispatched after a Event is embedded. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_INVOKE = "afterInvoke" string Dispatched after the Event is invoked. This event does not bubble. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_LINKS_CHANGED = "afterLinksChanged" string Dispatched after one or more links in the Event have been added, deleted, or modified. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_MOVE = "afterMove" string Dispatched after a Event is relocated from one object to another. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_NEW = "afterNew" string Dispatched after a Event is created. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_OPEN = "afterOpen" string Dispatched after a Event is opened. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_PLACE = "afterPlace" string Dispatched after a Event is placed. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_QUIT = "afterQuit" string Dispatched when the Event is quitting. Since the quit has been committed, it can not be canceled. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_SELECTION_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED = "afterSelectionAttributeChanged" string Dispatched after an attribute on the active selection changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_SELECTION_CHANGED = "afterSelectionChanged" string Dispatched after the active selection changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_UNEMBED = "afterUnembed" string Dispatched after a Event is unembedded. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
AFTER_UPDATE = "afterUpdate" string Dispatched after a Event is updated. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
BEFORE_CLOSE = "beforeClose" string Dispatched before a Event is closed. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_DEACTIVATE = "beforeDeactivate" string Dispatched before the Event becomes inactive. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
BEFORE_DELETE = "beforeDelete" string Dispatched before a Event is deleted. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_DISPLAY = "beforeDisplay" string Dispatched before the Event is displayed. This event does not bubble. This event is not cancelable.
BEFORE_EMBED = "beforeEmbed" string Dispatched before a Event is embedded. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_INVOKE = "beforeInvoke" string Dispatched before the Event is invoked. This event does not bubble. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_MOVE = "beforeMove" string Dispatched before a Event is relocated from one object to another. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_PLACE = "beforePlace" string Dispatched before a Event is placed. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_QUIT = "beforeQuit" string Dispatched before the Event is quit. Allows the quit to be canceled. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_UNEMBED = "beforeUnembed" string Dispatched before a Event is unembedded. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
BEFORE_UPDATE = "beforeUpdate" string Dispatched before a Event is updated. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
K4_AFTER_FINISH_TASK = "k4AfterFinishTask" string After finish task action This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
K4_AFTER_SAVE_VERSION = "k4AfterSaveVersion" string After save version action This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
K4_BEFORE_FINISH_TASK = "k4BeforeFinishTask" string Before finish task action This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
K4_BEFORE_SAVE_VERSION = "k4BeforeSaveVersion" string Before save version action This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.
K4_FINISH_TASK_DIALOG_OK = "k4FinishTaskDialogOK" string After click on OK button in finish task dialog This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
ON_INVOKE = "onInvoke" string Dispatched when the Event is invoked. This event does not bubble. This event is not cancelable.

Instance Properties

Name Description Access
bubbles bool If true, the event supports the bubbling phase of propagation. read-only
cancelable bool If true, the default behavior of the event on its target can be canceled. read-only
currentTarget Object The current propagation target of the event. read-only
defaultPrevented bool If true, the default behavior of the event on its target has been canceled. read-only
eventPhase EventPhases The current propagation phase of the event. read-only
eventType string The name of the event. read-only
id number The unique ID of the Event. read-only
index number The index of the Event within its containing object. read-only
isValid bool Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. read-only
parent The parent of the Event (a Object, UIDBasedObject, K4Article, CellStyleGroup, CellStyle, TableStyleGroup, Article, ConditionSet, HiddenText, Condition, MotionPreset, AssignedStory, Assignment, ObjectStyleGroup, ObjectStyle, NumberingList, Snippet, Dialog, ColorGroup, Swatch, Color, Tint, Gradient, MixedInkGroup, MixedInk, Behavior, SubmitFormBehavior, PrintFormBehavior, ClearFormBehavior, GotoPageBehavior, GotoAnchorBehavior, SoundBehavior, ViewZoomBehavior, GotoStateBehavior, GotoPreviousStateBehavior, GotoNextStateBehavior, OpenFileBehavior, AnimationBehavior, ShowHideFieldsBehavior, MovieBehavior, GotoURLBehavior, GotoPreviousViewBehavior, GotoNextViewBehavior, GotoPreviousPageBehavior, GotoNextPageBehavior, GotoLastPageBehavior, GotoFirstPageBehavior, PreflightProfileRule, PreflightRuleInstance, PreflightProfile, CrossReferenceFormat, HyperlinkURLDestination, HyperlinkExternalPageDestination, HyperlinkPageDestination, HyperlinkTextDestination, ParagraphDestination, HyperlinkTextSource, CrossReferenceSource, HyperlinkPageItemSource, Bookmark, Hyperlink, IndexSection, PageReference, CrossReference, Index, TOCStyle, FlattenerPreset, BookContent, MenuAction, ScriptMenuAction, NamedGrid, CompositeFontEntry, CompositeFont, CharacterStyleGroup, ParagraphStyleGroup, TextVariableInstance, Footnote, XMLRuleProcessor, XMLTag, Note, TableStyle, TextPath, Asset, Link, Section, MojikumiTable, KinsokuTable, Guide, LanguageWithVendors, Language, PageItem, HtmlItem, FormField, SignatureField, TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, MultiStateObject, Button, MediaItem, Sound, Movie, EPSText, SplineItem, Polygon, GraphicLine, Rectangle, Oval, Graphic, ImportedPage, PICT, WMF, PDF, EPS, Image, Group, TextFrame, EndnoteTextFrame, EndnoteRange, Endnote, MasterSpread, TrapPreset, Ink, DocumentPreset, Page, Spread, Layer, CharacterStyle, ParagraphStyle, Story, XmlStory, IDBasedObject, ArticleChild, ArticleMember, DialogRow, DialogColumn, Widget, BorderPanel, MeasurementEditbox, MeasurementCombobox, RealCombobox, AngleEditbox, PercentEditbox, RealEditbox, PercentCombobox, AngleCombobox, EnablingGroup, IntegerCombobox, IntegerEditbox, RadiobuttonControl, RadiobuttonGroup, CheckboxControl, Dropdown, StaticText, TextEditbox, ColorGroupSwatch, BackgroundTask, State, RuleDataObject, XMLItem, DTD, XMLInstruction, XMLComment, XMLElement, Table, Cell, IdleTask, StrokeStyle, StripedStrokeStyle, DottedStrokeStyle, DashedStrokeStyle, GraphicLayer, NonIDBasedObject, K4FinishTaskDialogObject, K4Rendition, K4StartWorkflowObjectForOtherVariant, K4AssetsFolderEntry, K4AssetsFolder, K4TaskTransition, K4AfterDialogObject, K4ObjectWithTasks, K4EventInfo, K4ServerData, K4FinishTaskObject, K4BeforeDialogObject, K4StartWorkflowObject, K4Variant, K4AcceptedTaskChange, K4NextTaskChange, K4WorkflowChannel, K4Workflow, K4User, K4TaskDefinition, K4Task, K4Status, K4ServerObject, K4Section, K4QueryResult, K4Query, K4OutputChannel, K4MetaDataDefValueList, K4MetaDataDef, K4MetaDataDefColor, K4MetaDataValue, K4Issue, K4Group, K4Publication, TableStyleMapping, CharStyleMapping, CellStyleMapping, ParaStyleMapping, TimingTarget, TimingGroup, TimingList, OpacityGradientStop, ObjectStyleExportTagMap, DataMergeQrcodePlaceholder, DataMergeField, DataMergeImagePlaceholder, DataMergeTextPlaceholder, Panel, LibraryPanel, PagesPanel, Window, StoryWindow, LayoutWindow, NavigationPoint, PreflightProcess, PreflightRule, BuildingBlock, DisplaySetting, IndexingSortOption, Topic, TOCStyleEntry, MenuElement, MenuSeparator, MenuItem, Submenu, Menu, StyleExportTagMap, TextVariable, XMLRuleMatchData, ValidationError, XMLExportMap, XMLImportMap, XMLAttribute, PrinterPreset, Row, Column, Change, HttpLinkConnectionManagerObject, RootObject, Document, Application, Book, Library, Preference, ContentPlacerObject, LinkedPageItemOption, LinkedStoryOption, PublishExportPreference, HTMLFXLExportPreference, EPubExportPreviewAppPreference, EPubFixedLayoutExportPreference, HTMLExportPreference, EPubExportPreference, ConditionalTextPreference, TimingSetting, AnimationSetting, XFLExportPreference, SWFExportPreference, TransformAttributeOption, AlignDistributePreference, TypeContextualUiPreference, GrabberPreference, ObjectStyleContentEffectsCategorySettings, ObjectStyleFillEffectsCategorySettings, ObjectStyleStrokeEffectsCategorySettings, ObjectStyleObjectEffectsCategorySettings, ChapterNumberPreference, NumberingRestartPolicy, Bullet, DataMerge, DataMergeOption, DataMergePreference, JPEGExportPreference, TrackChangesPreference, NotePreference, TransformPreference, ClipboardPreference, GeneralPreference, WatermarkPreference, ButtonPreference, PNGExportPreference, PreflightBookOption, PreflightOption, XMLViewPreference, GpuPerformancePreference, DisplayPerformancePreference, IndexOptions, LinkMetadata, MetadataPreference, ExcelImportPreference, TaggedTextImportPreference, TaggedTextExportPreference, WordRTFImportPreference, TextExportPreference, TextImportPreference, FindChangeContentTransparencySetting, FindChangeFillTransparencySetting, FindChangeStrokeTransparencySetting, FindChangeTransparencySetting, GradientFeatherSetting, FindChangeGradientFeatherSetting, DirectionalFeatherSetting, FindChangeDirectionalFeatherSetting, ContentTransparencySetting, SatinSetting, FindChangeSatinSetting, BevelAndEmbossSetting, FindChangeBevelAndEmbossSetting, InnerGlowSetting, FindChangeInnerGlowSetting, OuterGlowSetting, FindChangeOuterGlowSetting, InnerShadowSetting, FindChangeInnerShadowSetting, FeatherSetting, FindChangeFeatherSetting, DropShadowSetting, FindChangeDropShadowSetting, BlendingSetting, FindChangeBlendingSetting, FillTransparencySetting, StrokeTransparencySetting, TransparencySetting, TransparencyPreference, FlattenerPreference, GalleyPreference, GridPrintingPreference, CjkGridPreference, StoryGridDataInformation, LayoutGridDataInformation, GridDataInformation, CaptionMetadataVariablePreference, CustomTextVariablePreference, MatchParagraphStylePreference, MatchCharacterStylePreference, FileNameVariablePreference, DateVariablePreference, ChapterNumberVariablePreference, PageNumberVariablePreference, FootnoteOption, BaselineFrameGridOption, AnchoredObjectSetting, AnchoredObjectDefault, ExportForWebPreference, XMLPreference, XMLExportPreference, XMLImportPreference, InCopyExportOption, LinkingPreference, ChangeTransliteratePreference, ChangeObjectPreference, ChangeGlyphPreference, ChangeGrepPreference, ChangeTextPreference, FindTransliteratePreference, FindObjectPreference, FindGlyphPreference, FindGrepPreference, FindTextPreference, FindChangeTransliterateOption, FindChangeObjectOption, FindChangeGlyphOption, FindChangeGrepOption, FindChangeTextOption, ColorSetting, ScriptArg, ScriptPreference, PlaceGun, LayoutAdjustmentPreference, StrokeFillProxySetting, ImportedPageAttribute, EPSImportPreference, SmartGuidePreference, AutoCorrectPreference, SpellPreference, PolygonPreference, DictionaryPreference, FontLockingPreference, MojikumiUiPreference, ContourOption, TextWrapPreference, TextEditingPreference, FrameFittingOption, ObjectExportOption, PageItemDefault, EndnoteOption, TextFrameFootnoteOptionsObject, TaggedPDFPreference, InteractivePDFExportPreference, PDFAttribute, PDFPlacePreference, PDFExportPreference, IMEPreference, GraphicLayerOption, ClippingPathSettings, ImageIOPreference, ImagePreference, ToolBox, EPSExportPreference, PrintBookletPrintPreference, PrintBookletOption, PrintPreference, ViewPreference, PasteboardPreference, MarginPreference, GuidePreference, GridPreference, DocumentPreference, TextDefault, TextPreference, TextFramePreference, StoryPreference, PathPoint, Path, GradientStop, AutoCorrectTable, UserDictionary, HyphenationException, Font, TransformationMatrix, PDFExportPreset, NestedStyle, TabStop, Text, InsertionPoint, TextStyleRange, Paragraph, TextColumn, Line, Word, Character, NestedGrepStyle or NestedLineStyle). read-only
propagationStopped bool If true, propagation of the event beyond the current target has been stopped. read-only
properties Object A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. read-write
target Object The target of the event. read-only
timeStamp Date The time the event was initialized. read-only


 → Event
 → string
 → string
 → Event
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
Cancels the default behavior of the event on its target.
Stops propagation of the event beyond the current target.
 → string
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Event.
 → string
Retrieves the object specifier.