Interactive ElementsButton

A button.


Static Properties

Name Description
AFTER_PLACE = "afterPlace" string Dispatched after a Button is placed. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable.
BEFORE_PLACE = "beforePlace" string Dispatched before a Button is placed. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable.

Instance Properties

Name Description Access
absoluteFlip Flip Indicates whether the Button has been flipped independently of its parent object and, if yes, the direction in which the Button was flipped. read-write
absoluteHorizontalScale number The horizontal scale of the Button relative to its containing object. read-write
absoluteRotationAngle number The rotation angle of the Button relative to its containing object. (Range: -360 to 360) read-write
absoluteShearAngle number The skewing angle of the Button relative to its containing object. (Range: -360 to 360) read-write
absoluteVerticalScale number The vertical scale of the Button relative to its containing object. read-write
activeStateIndex number The index of the active state in the object's states collection. read-write
allArticles Article The list of all articles this page item is part of read-only
allGraphics Graphic Lists all graphics contained by the Button. read-only
allPageItems PageItem Lists all page items contained by the Button. read-only
allowOverrides bool If true, the master page item can be overridden. read-write
anchoredObjectSettings AnchoredObjectSetting Anchored object settings. read-only
animationBehaviors AnimationBehaviors A collection of animation behaviors. read-only
animationSettings AnimationSetting The page item animation settings. read-only
appliedObjectStyle ObjectStyle The object style applied to the Button. read-write
arrowHeadAlignment ArrowHeadAlignmentEnum The arrowhead alignment applied to the Button. read-write
associatedXMLElement XMLItem The XML element associated with the Button. read-only
behaviors Behaviors A collection of behavior objects. read-only
bottomLeftCornerOption CornerOptions The shape to apply to the bottom left corner of rectangular shapes. read-write
bottomLeftCornerRadius Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the bottom left corner of rectangular shapes read-write
bottomRightCornerOption CornerOptions The shape to apply to the bottom right corner of rectangular shapes. read-write
bottomRightCornerRadius Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the bottom right corner of rectangular shapes read-write
clearFormBehaviors ClearFormBehaviors A collection of clear form behavior objects. read-only
contentTransparencySettings ContentTransparencySetting Transparency settings for the content of the Button. read-only
description string The description of the Button. read-write
endCap EndCap The end shape of an open path. read-write
endJoin EndJoin The corner join applied to the Button. read-write
endnoteTextFrames EndnoteTextFrames A collection of endnote text frames. read-only
epss EPSs A collection of EPS files. read-only
epstexts EPSTexts EPSTexts read-only
eventListeners EventListeners A collection of event listeners. read-only
events Events A collection of events. read-only
fillColor Swatch The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of the Button. . Can also accept: String. read-write
fillTint number The percent of tint to use in the Button's fill color. (To specify a tint percent, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.) read-write
fillTransparencySettings FillTransparencySetting Transparency settings for the fill applied to the Button. read-only
flip Flip The direction in which to flip the printed image. read-write
gapColor Swatch The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of a dashed, dotted, or striped stroke. For information, see stroke type. read-write
gapTint number The tint as a percentage of the gap color. (To specify a tint percent, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.) read-write
geometricBounds Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The bounds of the Button excluding the stroke width, in the format [y1, x1, y2, x2], which give the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the bounding box. read-write
gotoAnchorBehaviors GotoAnchorBehaviors A collection of goto anchor behavior objects. read-only
gotoFirstPageBehaviors GotoFirstPageBehaviors A collection of goto first page behavior objects. read-only
gotoLastPageBehaviors GotoLastPageBehaviors A collection of goto last page behavior objects. read-only
gotoNextPageBehaviors GotoNextPageBehaviors A collection of goto next page behavior objects. read-only
gotoNextStateBehaviors GotoNextStateBehaviors A collection of goto next state behaviors. read-only
gotoNextViewBehaviors GotoNextViewBehaviors A collection of goto next view behavior objects. read-only
gotoPageBehaviors GotoPageBehaviors A collection of go to page behavior objects. read-only
gotoPreviousPageBehaviors GotoPreviousPageBehaviors A collection of goto previous page behavior objects. read-only
gotoPreviousStateBehaviors GotoPreviousStateBehaviors A collection of goto previous state behaviors. read-only
gotoPreviousViewBehaviors GotoPreviousViewBehaviors A collection of goto previous view behavior objects. read-only
gotoStateBehaviors GotoStateBehaviors A collection of goto state behaviors. read-only
gotoURLBehaviors GotoURLBehaviors A collection of goto URL behavior objects. read-only
gradientFillAngle number The angle of a linear gradient applied to the fill of the Button. (Range: -180 to 180) read-write
gradientFillLength Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the fill of the Button. read-write
gradientFillStart Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the fill of the Button, in the format [x, y]. read-write
gradientStrokeAngle number The angle of a linear gradient applied to the stroke of the Button. (Range: -180 to 180) read-write
gradientStrokeLength Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the stroke of the Button. read-write
gradientStrokeStart Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the stroke of the Button, in the format [x, y]. read-write
graphicLines GraphicLines A collection of graphic lines. read-only
graphics Graphics A collection of imported graphics in any graphic file format (vector, metafile, or bitmap). read-only
groups Groups A collection of groups. read-only
hiddenUntilTriggered bool If true, the form field/push button is hidden until triggered in the exported PDF. read-write
horizontalLayoutConstraints DimensionsConstraints The left margin, width, and right margin constraints this item is subject to when using the object-based layout rule. read-write
horizontalScale number The horizontal scaling applied to the Button. read-write
id number The unique ID of the Button. read-only
images Images A collection of bitmap images in any bitmap file format (including TIFF, JPEG, or GIF). read-only
index number The index of the Button within its containing object. read-only
isValid bool Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. read-only
itemLayer Layer The layer that the Button is on. read-write
k4FileVersionIndex number K4 File Version Index read-only
k4Id string K4 Server ID read-only
k4Name string K4 Name read-only
k4ObjectLabel string K4 Object Label read-only
k4ObjectState K4ObjectState K4 Object State read-only
k4ObjectType K4ObjectType K4 Object Type read-only
k4OutputChannelName string K4 Output Channel Name read-only
k4Position number K4 position read-only
k4PublicationId string K4 Publication ID read-only
k4VariantId string K4 Variant ID read-only
k4WfChannelId string K4 Workflow Channel ID read-only
k4WfDefinitionId string K4 Workflow Definition ID read-only
k4WfName string K4 Workflow Name read-only
k4WfObjectType K4WfObjectType K4 Workflow Object Type read-only
k4WfObjectVariantId string K4 Workflow Object Variant ID read-only
label string A property that can be set to any string. read-write
leftArrowHeadScale number The scaling applied to the arrowhead at the start of the path. (Range: 1 to 1000) read-write
leftLineEnd ArrowHead The arrowhead applied to the start of the path. read-write
linkedPageItemOptions LinkedPageItemOption Linked Page Item options read-only
localDisplaySetting DisplaySettingOptions Display performance options for the Button. read-write
locked bool If true, the Button is locked. read-write
miterLimit = 4 number The limit of the ratio of stroke width to miter length before a miter (pointed) join becomes a bevel (squared-off) join. read-write
movieBehaviors MovieBehaviors A collection of movie behavior objects. read-only
name string The name of the Button. read-write
nonprinting bool If true, the Button does not print. read-write
openFileBehaviors OpenFileBehaviors A collection of open file behavior objects. read-only
ovals Ovals A collection of ellipses. read-only
overprintFill bool If true, the Button's fill color overprints any underlying objects. If false, the fill color knocks out the underlying colors. read-write
overprintGap bool If true, the gap color overprints any underlying colors. If false, the gap color knocks out the underlying colors. read-write
overprintStroke bool If true, the Button's stroke color overprints any underlying objects. If false, the stroke color knocks out the underlying colors. read-write
overridden bool If true, the object originated on a master spread and was overridden. If false, the object either originated on a master spread and was not overridden, or the object did not originate on a master page. read-only
overriddenMasterPageItem An object that originated on a master page and has been overridden. Can return: PageItem, Guide, Graphic, Movie or Sound. read-only
pageItems PageItems The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. read-only
parent The parent of the Button (a PlaceGun, Spread, MasterSpread, SplineItem, Polygon, GraphicLine, Rectangle, Oval, Group, Character or Snippet). read-only
parentPage Page The page on which this page item appears. read-only
paths Paths A collection of paths. read-only
pdfs PDFs A collection of PDF files. read-only
picts PICTs A collection of PICT graphics. read-only
polygons Polygons A collection of polygons. read-only
preferences Preferences A collection of preferences objects. read-only
printFormBehaviors PrintFormBehaviors A collection of print form behavior objects. read-only
printableInPdf bool If true, the form field/push button is printable in the exported PDF. read-write
properties Object A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. read-write
rectangles Rectangles A collection of rectangles. read-only
rightArrowHeadScale number The scaling applied to the arrowhead at the end of the path. (Range: 1 to 1000) read-write
rightLineEnd ArrowHead The arrowhead applied to the end of the path. read-write
rotationAngle number The rotatation angle of the Button. (Range: -360 to 360) read-write
shearAngle number The skewing angle applied to the Button. (Range: -360 to 360) read-write
showHideFieldsBehaviors ShowHideFieldsBehaviors A collection of show/hide fields behavior objects. read-only
soundBehaviors SoundBehaviors A collection of sound behavior objects. read-only
splineItems SplineItems The spline items collection. read-only
states States A collection of states. read-only
strokeAlignment StrokeAlignment The stroke alignment applied to the Button. read-write
strokeColor Swatch The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of the Button. Can also accept: String. read-write
strokeCornerAdjustment StrokeCornerAdjustment The corner adjustment applied to the Button. read-write
strokeDashAndGap Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The dash and gap measurements that define the pattern of a custom dashed line. Define up to six values (in points) in the format [dash1, gap1, dash2, gap2, dash3, gap3]. read-write
strokeTint number The percent of tint to use in object's stroke color. (To specify a tint percent, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.) read-write
strokeTransparencySettings StrokeTransparencySetting Transparency settings for the stroke. read-only
strokeType StrokeStyle The name of the stroke style to apply. Can also accept: String. read-write
strokeWeight Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The weight (in points) to apply to the Button's stroke. read-write
submitFormBehaviors SubmitFormBehaviors A collection of submit form behavior objects. read-only
textFrames TextFrames A collection of text frames. read-only
textWrapPreferences TextWrapPreference The text wrap preference properties that define the default formatting for wrapping text around objects. read-only
timingSettings TimingSetting The object timing settings. read-only
topLeftCornerOption CornerOptions The shape to be applied to the top left corner of rectangular shapes and all corners of non-rectangular shapes.Note: corner option differs from end join in which you can set a radius for a corner option, whereas the rounded or beveled effect of an end join depends on the stroke weight. read-write
topLeftCornerRadius Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the top left corner of rectangular shapes and all corners of non-rectangular shapes read-write
topRightCornerOption CornerOptions The shape to apply to the top right corner of rectangular shapes read-write
topRightCornerRadius Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The radius in measurement units of the corner effect applied to the top right corner of rectangular shapes read-write
transparencySettings TransparencySetting Transparency settings. read-only
verticalLayoutConstraints DimensionsConstraints The top margin, height, and bottom margin constraints this item is subject to when using the object-based layout rule. read-write
verticalScale number The vertical scaling applied to the Button. read-write
viewZoomBehaviors ViewZoomBehaviors A collection of view zoom behavior objects. read-only
visible bool If true, the Button is visible. read-write
visibleBounds Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The bounds of the Button including the stroke width, in the format [y1, x1, y2, x2], which give the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the bounding box. read-write
wmfs WMFs A collection of WMF graphics. read-only


eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → EventListener
using ​[, clearingOverrides] ​[, clearingOverridesThroughRootObjectStyle])
format, to ​[, showingOptions] ​[, using] ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave])
 → BackgroundTask
 → PageItem
pageItems ​[, linkPageItems] ​[, linkStories] ​[, mapStyles] ​[, showingOptions])
given ​[, numberOfSides] ​[, insetPercentage] ​[, cornerRadius])
[emailAddress] ​[, subject] ​[, body], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
[urlLink], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
[plainText], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
[cellNumber] ​[, textMessage], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
[firstName] ​[, lastName] ​[, jobTitle] ​[, cellPhone] ​[, phone] ​[, email] ​[, organisation] ​[, streetAddress] ​[, city] ​[, adrState] ​[, country] ​[, postalCode] ​[, website], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
to ​[, by])
 → PageItem
format, to ​[, showingOptions] ​[, using] ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave])
 → string
 → PageItem
given, around)
 → Button
key, value)
k4PublicationId, k4WFObjectVariantId)
to ​[, by])
in, opposingCorners)
eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → bool
in, from, by, values ​[, resizeIndividually] ​[, consideringRulerUnits])
location, in ​[, consideringRulerUnits])
using ​[, withProperties])
 → Asset
 → string
 → string
in, from, withMatrix, replacingCurrent ​[, consideringRulerUnits])
 → string
 → string
 → string
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → EventListener
Adds an event listener.
eventType string The event type.
handler The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
using ​[, clearingOverrides=true] ​[, clearingOverridesThroughRootObjectStyle=false])
Applies the specified object style.
using ObjectStyle The object style to apply.
clearingOverrides bool If true, clears the Button's existing attributes before applying the style. (Optional)
clearingOverridesThroughRootObjectStyle bool If true, clears attributes and formatting applied to the Button that are not defined in the object style. (Optional)
format, to ​[, showingOptions=false] ​[, using] ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave=false])
 → BackgroundTask
asynchronously exports the object(s) to a file.
format The export format, specified as an enumeration value or as an extension that appears in the Save as type or Format menu in the Export dialog. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String.
to File The path to the export file.
showingOptions bool If true, displays the export options dialog. (Optional)
using PDFExportPreset The export style. (Optional)
versionComments string The comment for this version. (Optional)
forceSave bool If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional)
Tag the object or the parent story using default tags defined in XML preference.
Brings the Button forward one level in its layer.
Brings the Button to the front of its layer or in front of a particular item.
reference PageItem The reference object to bring the object in front of (must have same parent) (Optional)
 → PageItem
Finds objects that match the find what value and replace the objects with the change to value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Clear overrides for object style
Clears transformations from the Button. Transformations include rotation, scaling, flipping, fitting, and shearing.
pageItems ​[, linkPageItems=false] ​[, linkStories=false] ​[, mapStyles=false] ​[, showingOptions=false])
Duplicate an object and place it into the target page item.
pageItems Array<PageItem> One or more page items to place or load
linkPageItems bool Whether to link pageItems in content placer (if true it will override link stories value) (Optional)
linkStories bool Whether to link stories in content placer (only applicable for single story, pageItem links will also be created in case of more than one item) (Optional)
mapStyles bool Whether to map styles in content placer (Optional)
showingOptions bool Whether to display the link options dialog (Optional)
given ​[, numberOfSides] ​[, insetPercentage] ​[, cornerRadius])
Converts the Button to a different shape.
given ConvertShapeOptions The Button's new shape.
numberOfSides number The number of sides for the resulting polygon. (Range: 3 to 100) (Optional)
insetPercentage number The star inset percentage for the resulting polygon. (Range: 0.0 to 100.0) (Optional)
cornerRadius Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any The corner radius of the resulting rectangle. (Optional)
Converts the button object to the page item currently in the active state. Page items from other states will be lost.
[emailAddress] ​[, subject] ​[, body], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
Create Email QR Code on the page item or document
emailAddress string QR code Email Address (Optional)
subject string QR code Email Subject (Optional)
body string QR code Email Body Message (Optional)
qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional)
withProperties Array<string> Initial values for properties of the new Button. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
[urlLink], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
Create Hyperlink QR Code on the page item or document
urlLink string QR code Hyperlink URL (Optional)
qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional)
withProperties Array<string> Initial values for properties of the new Button. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
[plainText], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
Create Plain Text QR Code on the page item
plainText string QR code Plain Text (Optional)
qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional)
withProperties Array<string> Initial values for properties of the new Button. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
[cellNumber] ​[, textMessage], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
Create Text Msg QR Code on the page item or document
cellNumber string QR code Text Phone Number (Optional)
textMessage string QR code Text Message (Optional)
qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional)
withProperties Array<string> Initial values for properties of the new Button. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
[firstName] ​[, lastName] ​[, jobTitle] ​[, cellPhone] ​[, phone] ​[, email] ​[, organisation] ​[, streetAddress] ​[, city] ​[, adrState] ​[, country] ​[, postalCode] ​[, website], qrCodeSwatch ​[, withProperties])
Create Business Card QR Code on the page item or load on document's placegun
firstName string QR code Business Card First Name (Optional)
lastName string QR code Business Card Last Name (Optional)
jobTitle string QR code Business Card Title (Optional)
cellPhone string QR code Business Card Cell Phone Number (Optional)
phone string QR code Business Card Phone Number (Optional)
email string QR code Business Card Email Address (Optional)
organisation string QR code Business Card Organisation (Optional)
streetAddress string QR code Business Card Street Address (Optional)
city string QR code Business Card City (Optional)
adrState string QR code Business Card State (Optional)
country string QR code Business Card Country (Optional)
postalCode string QR code Business Card Postal Code (Optional)
website string QR code Business Card URL (Optional)
qrCodeSwatch Swatch to be applied on generated QR Code Graphic . Can accept: Swatch or String. (Optional)
withProperties Array<string> Initial values for properties of the new Button. Above parameters can also be passed as properties (Optional)
Detaches an overridden master page item from the master page.
to ​[, by])
 → PageItem
Duplicates the Button at the specified location or offset.
to The location of the new Button, specified in coordinates in the format [x, y]. Can accept: Array of 2 Units, Spread, Page or Layer. (Optional)
by Array<Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any> Amount by which to offset the new Button from the original Button's position. (Optional)
format, to ​[, showingOptions=false] ​[, using] ​[, versionComments] ​[, forceSave=false])
Exports the object(s) to a file.
format The export format, specified as an enumeration value or as an extension that appears in the Save as type or Format menu in the Export dialog. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String.
to File The path to the export file.
showingOptions bool If true, displays the export options dialog. (Optional)
using PDFExportPreset The export style. (Optional)
versionComments string The comment for this version. (Optional)
forceSave bool If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional)
 → string
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
key string The key.
 → PageItem
Finds objects that match the find what value.
reverseOrder bool If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)
Applies the specified fit option to content in a frame.
given FitOptions The fit option to use.
given, around)
Flips the Button.
given Flip The axis around which to flip the Button.
around The point around which to flip the Button. Can accept: Array of 2 Units or AnchorPoint enumerator. (Optional)
 → Button
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
key, value)
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
key string The key.
value string The value.
 → K4Article
K4 Get Article
 → Document
K4 Get Document
 → K4ServerData
K4 Get Server Data
k4PublicationId, k4WFObjectVariantId)
K4 Place Object into
k4PublicationId string K4 Publication DB ID
k4WFObjectVariantId string K4 Workflow Object Variant DB ID
K4 Switch Variant
k4Id string K4 ID
K4 Update
Associates the page item with the specified XML element while preserving existing content.
using XMLElement The XML element.
to ​[, by])
Moves the Button to a new location. Note: Either the 'to' or 'by' parameter is required; if both parameters are defined, only the to value is used.
to The new location of the Button,in the format (x, y). Can accept: Array of 2 Units, Spread, Page or Layer. (Optional)
by Array<Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any> The amount (in measurement units) to move the Button relative to its current position, in the format (x, y). (Optional)
Overrides a master page item and places the item on the document page as a new object.
destinationPage Page The document page that contains the master page item to override.
Places XML content into the specified object. Note: Replaces any existing content.
using XMLElement The XML element whose content you want to place.
Apply an item's scaling to its content if possible.
to Array<number> The scale factors to be left on the item. The default is {1.0, 1.0}. (Optional)
in, opposingCorners)
Move the bounding box of the page item
in The bounding box to resize. Can accept: CoordinateSpaces enumerator or Ordered array containing coordinateSpace:CoordinateSpaces enumerator, boundsKind:BoundingBoxLimits enumerator.
opposingCorners Opposing corners of new bounding box in the given coordinate space
Deletes the Button.
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → bool
Removes the event listener.
eventType string The registered event type.
handler The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
Removes the override from a previously overridden master page item.
in, from, by, values ​[, resizeIndividually=true] ​[, consideringRulerUnits=false])
Resize the page item.
in The bounding box to resize. Can accept: CoordinateSpaces enumerator, BoundingBoxLimits enumerator or Ordered array containing coordinateSpace:CoordinateSpaces enumerator, boundsKind:BoundingBoxLimits enumerator.
from The transform origin. Legal specifications: relative to bounding box: anchor | {anchor | {x,y}, bounds kind [, coordinate space]}; relative to coordinate space: {x,y} | {{x,y}[, coordinate space]}; relative to layout window ruler: {{x,y}, page index | bounds kind}. Can accept: Array of 2 Reals, AnchorPoint enumerator or Array of Arrays of 2 Reals, CoordinateSpaces enumerators, AnchorPoint enumerators, BoundingBoxLimits enumerators or Long Integers.
by ResizeMethods How the current dimensions are affected by the given values
values The width and height values. Legal dimensions specifications: {x, y [, coordinate space]}, {x, resize constraint [, coordinate space]}, or {resize constraint, y [, coordinate space]}; where x and y are real numbers and coordinate space is used to determine _only_ the unit of length for x and y; coordinate space is ignored for the 'current dimensions times' resize method). Can accept: Array of Reals, ResizeConstraints enumerators or CoordinateSpaces enumerators.
resizeIndividually bool If false and multiple page items are targeted, the new dimensions are attained only by moving the individual items rather than resizing them. (Optional)
consideringRulerUnits bool If true then a ruler location is interpreted using ruler units rather than points. The default value is false. This parameter has no effect unless the reference point is specified relative to a page. (Optional)
location, in ​[, consideringRulerUnits=false])
Get the coordinates of the given location in the specified coordinate system.
location The location requested. Can accept: Array of 2 Reals, AnchorPoint enumerator or Array of Arrays of 2 Reals, CoordinateSpaces enumerators, AnchorPoint enumerators, BoundingBoxLimits enumerators or Long Integers.
in CoordinateSpaces The coordinate space to use.
consideringRulerUnits bool If true then a ruler location is interpreted using ruler units rather than points. The default value is false. This parameter has no effect unless the reference point is specified relative to a page. (Optional)
Selects the object.
existingSelection SelectionOptions The selection status of the Button in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional)
Sends the Button back one level in its layer.
Sends the Button to the back of its layer or behind a particular item (must have same parent).
reference PageItem The reference object to send the object behind (Optional)
using ​[, withProperties])
 → Asset
Stores the object in the specified library.
using Library The library in which to store the object.
withProperties Object Initial values for properties of the new Button (Optional)
 → string
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Button.
 → string
Retrieves the object specifier.
in, from, withMatrix, replacingCurrent ​[, consideringRulerUnits=false])
Transform the page item.
in CoordinateSpaces The coordinate space to use
from The temporary origin during the transformation. Can accept: Array of 2 Reals, AnchorPoint enumerator or Array of Arrays of 2 Reals, CoordinateSpaces enumerators, AnchorPoint enumerators, BoundingBoxLimits enumerators or Long Integers.
withMatrix Transform matrix. Can accept: Array of 6 Reals or TransformationMatrix.
replacingCurrent Transform components to consider; providing this optional parameter causes the target's existing transform components to be replaced with new values. Without this parameter, the given matrix is concatenated onto the target's existing transform combining the effect of the two. Can accept: MatrixContent enumerator, Array of MatrixContent enumerators or Long Integer. (Optional)
consideringRulerUnits bool If true then a ruler based origin is interpreted using ruler units rather than points. The default value is false. This parameter has no effect unless the reference point is specified relative to a page. (Optional)
 → string
Transforms the Button using the last transformation performed on any object. Transformations include moving, rotating, shearing, scaling, and flipping.
 → string
Transforms the Button using the last transformation performed on any Button. Transformations include moving, rotating, shearing, scaling, and flipping.
 → string
Transforms the Button using the last sequence of transform operations performed on any single object or performed at the same time on any group of objects. Transformations include moving, rotating, shearing, scaling, and flipping.
 → string
Transforms the Button using the last sequence of transformations performed on any single object or performed at the same time on any group of objects. Transformations include moving, rotating, shearing, scaling, and flipping.
 → TransformationMatrix
Get the transformation values of the page item.
in CoordinateSpaces The coordinate space to use