
Change text preferences.


Instance Properties

Name Description Access
allowArbitraryHyphenation If true, words unassociated with a hyphenation dictionary can break to the next line on any character. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
appliedCharacterStyle The character style to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: CharacterStyle. read-write
appliedConditions The conditions to search for or change to. Specify the "nothing" enum for "Any" or an empty list for "[Unconditional]". Can return: Array of Strings or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Array of Conditions. read-write
appliedFont The font applied to the ChangeTextPreference, specified as either a font object or the name of font family. Can return: Font, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
appliedLanguage The language to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Language or LanguageWithVendors. read-write
appliedNumberingList The list to be part of. Can return: NumberingList, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
appliedParagraphStyle The paragraph style to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: ParagraphStyle. read-write
autoLeading The percent of the type size to use for auto leading. (Range: 0 to 500). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
autoTcy The number of half-width characters at or below which the characters automatically run horizontally in vertical text. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
autoTcyIncludeRoman If true, auto tcy includes Roman characters. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
balanceRaggedLines If true or set to an enumeration value, balances ragged lines. Note: Not valid with a single-line text composer. Can return: Boolean, BalanceLinesStyle enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
baselineShift The baseline shift applied to the text. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
bulletChar Bullet character. Can return: Bullet or NothingEnum enumerator. read-only
bulletsAndNumberingListType List type for bullets and numbering. Can return: ListType enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
bulletsCharacterStyle The character style to be used for the text after string. Can return: CharacterStyle, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
bulletsTextAfter The text after string expression for bullets. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
bunriKinshi If true, adds the double period (..), ellipse (...), and double hyphen (--) to the selected kinsoku set. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is in effect. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
capitalization The capitalization scheme. Can return: Capitalization enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
changeConditionsMode The change conditions mode, change either replaces applied conditions or adds to applied conditions. Can return: ChangeConditionsModes enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
changeTo The replacement ChangeTextPreference. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
characterAlignment The alignment of small characters to the largest character in the line. Can return: CharacterAlignment enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
characterDirection The direction of the character. Can return: CharacterDirectionOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
characterRotation The rotation angle (in degrees) of individual characters. Note: The rotation is counterclockwise. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
cjkGridTracking If true, uses grid tracking to track non-Roman characters in CJK grids. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
composer The text composer to use to compose the text. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
diacriticPosition Position of diacriticical characters. Can return: DiacriticPositionOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
digitsType The digits type. Can return: DigitsTypeOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
dropCapCharacters The number of characters to drop cap. Can return: Short Integer (0 - 150) or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
dropCapLines The number of lines to drop cap. Can return: Short Integer (0 - 25) or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
dropcapDetail Details about the drop cap based on the glyph outlines. 1 = left side bearing. 2 = descenders. 0x100,0x200,0x400 are used for Japanese frame grid. Can return: Long Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
endJoin The stroke join type applied to the characters of the text. Can return: OutlineJoin enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
eventListeners EventListeners A collection of event listeners. read-only
events Events A collection of events. read-only
fillColor The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), applied as a fill color, to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Swatch. read-write
fillTint The tint (as a percentage) of the fill color of the ChangeTextPreference. (To specify a tint percentage, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
firstLineIndent The amount to indent the first line. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
fontStyle The name of the font style. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
glyphForm The glyph variant to substitute for standard glyphs. Can return: AlternateGlyphForms enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
gradientFillAngle The angle of a linear gradient applied to the fill of the text. (Range: -180 to 180). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
gradientFillLength The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the fill of the text. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
gradientFillStart The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the fill of the text, in the format [x, y]. Can return: Array of 2 Units or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
gradientStrokeAngle The angle of a linear gradient applied to the stroke of the text. (Range: -180 to 180). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
gradientStrokeLength The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the stroke of the text. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
gradientStrokeStart The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the stroke of the text, in the format [x, y]. Can return: Array of 2 Units or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
gridAlignment The alignment to the frame grid or baseline grid. Can return: GridAlignment enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
gridGyoudori The manual gyoudori setting. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
horizontalScale The horizontal scaling applied to the ChangeTextPreference. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
hyphenateAcrossColumns If true, allows the last word in a text column to be hyphenated. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
hyphenateLastWord If true, allows hyphenation in the last word in a paragraph. Note: Valid only when hyphenation is true. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
ignoreEdgeAlignment If true, ignores optical edge alignment for the paragraph. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
isValid bool Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. read-only
jidori The number of grid squares in which to arrange the text. . Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
justification The paragraph alignment. Can return: Justification enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kashidas Use of Kashidas for justification. Can return: KashidasOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
keepAllLinesTogether If true, keeps all lines of the paragraph together. If false, allows paragraphs to break across pages or columns. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
keepFirstLines The minimum number of lines to keep together in a paragraph before allowing a page break. Can return: Short Integer (1 - 50) or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
keepLastLines The minimum number of lines to keep together in a paragraph after a page break. Can return: Short Integer (1 - 50) or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
keepLinesTogether If true, keeps a specified number of lines together when the paragraph breaks across columns or text frames. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
keepRuleAboveInFrame If true, forces the rule above the paragraph to remain in the frame bounds. Note: Valid only when rule above is true. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
keepWithNext The minimum number of lines to keep with the next paragraph. Can return: Short Integer (0 - 5) or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
keepWithPrevious If the first line in the paragraph should be kept with the last line of previous paragraph. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenAlignment The alignment of kenten characters relative to the parent characters. . Can return: KentenAlignment enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenCharacterSet The character set used for the custom kenten character. Note: Valid only when kenten kind is custom. . Can return: KentenCharacterSet enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenCustomCharacter The character used for kenten. Note: Valid only when kenten kind is custom. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenFillColor The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of kenten characters. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenFont The font to use for kenten characters. Can return: Font, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenFontSize The size (in points) of kenten characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenFontStyle The font style of kenten characters. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenKind The style of kenten characters. Can return: KentenCharacter enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenOverprintFill The method of overprinting the kenten fill. Can return: AdornmentOverprint enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenOverprintStroke The method of overprinting the kenten stroke. Can return: AdornmentOverprint enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenPlacement The distance between kenten characters and their parent characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenPosition The kenten position relative to the parent character. Can return: RubyKentenPosition enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenStrokeColor The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of kenten characters. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenStrokeTint The stroke tint (as a percentage) of kenten characters. (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenTint The fill tint (as a percentage) of kenten characters. (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenWeight The stroke weight (in points) of kenten characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenXScale The horizontal size of kenten characters as a percent of the original size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kentenYScale The vertical size of kenten charachers as a percent of the original size. . Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kerningMethod The type of pair kerning. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kerningValue The amount of space to add or remove between characters, specified in thousands of an em. . Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
keyboardDirection The keyboard direction of the character. Can return: CharacterDirectionOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kinsokuHangType The type of hanging punctuation to allow. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is in effect. Can return: KinsokuHangTypes enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kinsokuSet The kinsoku set that determines legitimate line breaks. Can return: KinsokuTable, KinsokuSet enumerator, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
kinsokuType The type of kinsoku processing for preventing kinsoku characters from beginning or ending a line. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is defined. Can return: KinsokuType enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
lastLineIndent The amount to indent the last line in the paragraph. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
leading The leading applied to the text. Can return: Unit, Leading enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
leadingAki The amount of space before each character. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
leadingModel The point from which leading is measured from line to line. Can return: LeadingModel enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
leftIndent The width of the left indent. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
ligatures If true, replaces specific character combinations (e.g., fl, fi) with ligature characters. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
markupTag The XML tag applied to the element. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: XMLTag. read-write
miterLimit = 4 The limit of the ratio of stroke width to miter length before a miter (pointed) join becomes a bevel (squared-off) join. Can return: Real (0 - 1000) or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
mojikumi The mojikumi table. For information, see mojikumi table defaults. Can return: MojikumiTable, String, MojikumiTableDefaults enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
noBreak If true, keeps the text on the same line. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
numberingApplyRestartPolicy If true, apply the numbering restart policy. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
numberingCharacterStyle The character style to be used for the number string. Can return: CharacterStyle, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
numberingContinue Continue the numbering at this level. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
numberingExpression The number string expression for numbering. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
numberingFormat Numbering format options. Can return: NumberingStyle enumerator, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
numberingLevel The level of the paragraph. Can return: Long Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
numberingRestartPolicies Numbering restart policies. Can return: NumberingRestartPolicy or NothingEnum enumerator. read-only
numberingStartAt Determines starting number in a numbered list. Can return: Long Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfContextualAlternate If true, uses contextual alternate forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfDiscretionaryLigature If true, uses discretionary ligatures in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfFigureStyle The figure style in OpenType fonts. Can return: OTFFigureStyle enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfFraction If true, uses fractions in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfHVKana If true, switches hiragana fonts, which have different glyphs for horizontal and vertical. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfHistorical If true, use historical forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfJustificationAlternate If true, use alternate justification forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfLocale If true, uses localized forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfMark If true, uses mark positioning in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfOrdinal If true, uses ordinals in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfOverlapSwash If true, use overlapping swash forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfProportionalMetrics If true, kerns according to proportional CJK metrics in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfRomanItalics If true, applies italics to half-width alphanumerics. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfSlashedZero If true, use a slashed zeroes in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfStretchedAlternate If true, use stretched alternate forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfStylisticAlternate If true, use stylistic alternate forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfStylisticSets The stylistic sets to use in OpenType fonts. Can return: Long Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfSwash If true, uses swash forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
otfTitling If true, uses titling forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
overprintFill If true, the fill color of the characters will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
overprintStroke If true, the stroke of the characters will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
paragraphDirection Paragraph direction. Can return: ParagraphDirectionOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
paragraphGyoudori If true, the gyoudori mode applies to the entire paragraph. If false, the gyoudori mode applies to each line in the paragraph. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
paragraphJustification Paragraph justification. Can return: ParagraphJustificationOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
paragraphKashidaWidth Paragraph kashida width. 0 is none, 1 is short, 2 is medium, 3 is long. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
parent Application The parent of the ChangeTextPreference (a Application). read-only
pointSize The text size. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
position The text position relative to the baseline. Can return: Position enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
positionalForm The OpenType positional form. Can return: PositionalForms enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
preferences Preferences A collection of preferences objects. read-only
properties Object A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. read-write
rensuuji If true, disallows line breaks in numbers. If false, lines can break between digits in multi-digit numbers. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rightIndent The width of the right indent. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rotateSingleByteCharacters If true, rotates Roman characters in vertical text. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyAlignment The ruby alignment. Can return: RubyAlignments enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyAutoAlign If true, auto aligns ruby. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyAutoScaling If true, automatically scales ruby to the specified percent of parent text size. For information on specifying a percent, see ruby parent scaling percent. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyAutoTcyAutoScale If true, automatically scales glyphs in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby to fit one em. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyAutoTcyDigits The number of digits included in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyAutoTcyIncludeRoman If true, includes Roman characters in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyFill The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of ruby characters. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyFont The font applied to ruby characters. Can return: Font, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyFontSize The size (in points) of ruby characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyFontStyle The font style of ruby characters. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyOpenTypePro If true, uses OpenType Pro fonts for ruby. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyOverhang If true, constrains ruby overhang to the specified amount. For information on specifying an amount, see ruby parent overhang amount. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyOverprintFill The method of overprinting the ruby fill. Can return: AdornmentOverprint enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyOverprintStroke The method of overprinting the ruby stroke. Can return: AdornmentOverprint enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyParentOverhangAmount The amount by which ruby characters can overhang the parent text. Can return: RubyOverhang enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyParentScalingPercent The amount (as a percentage) to scale the parent text size to determine the ruby text size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyParentSpacing The ruby spacing relative to the parent text. . Can return: RubyParentSpacing enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyPosition The position of ruby characters relative to the parent text. Can return: RubyKentenPosition enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyStroke The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of ruby characters. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyStrokeTint The stroke tint (as a percentage) of ruby characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyTint The tint (as a percentage) of the ruby fill color. (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyType The ruby type. Can return: RubyTypes enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyWeight The stroke weight (in points) of ruby characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyXOffset The amount of horizontal space between ruby and parent characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyXScale The horizontal size of ruby characters, specified as a percent of the original size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyYOffset The amount of vertical space between ruby and parent characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
rubyYScale The vertical size of ruby characters, specified as a percent of the original size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
scaleAffectsLineHeight If true, the line changes size when characters are scaled. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
shataiAdjustRotation If true, applies shatai rotation. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
shataiAdjustTsume If true, adjusts shatai tsume. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
shataiDegreeAngle The shatai lens angle (in degrees). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
shataiMagnification The amount (as a percentage) of shatai obliquing to apply. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
singleWordJustification The alignment to use for lines that contain a single word. Can return: SingleWordJustification enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
skew The skew angle of the ChangeTextPreference. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
spaceAfter The height of the paragraph space below. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
spaceBefore The height of the paragraph space above. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
spanColumnMinSpaceAfter The minimum space after a span or a split column. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
spanColumnMinSpaceBefore The minimum space before a span or a split column. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
spanColumnType Whether a paragraph should be a single column, span columns or split columns. Can return: SpanColumnTypeOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
spanSplitColumnCount The number of columns a paragraph spans or the number of split columns. Can return: Short Integer (1 - 40), SpanColumnCountOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
splitColumnInsideGutter The inside gutter if the paragraph splits columns. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
splitColumnOutsideGutter The outside gutter if the paragraph splits columns. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
startParagraph The location at which to start the paragraph. Can return: StartParagraph enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughColor The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughGapColor The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughGapOverprint If true, the gap color of the strikethrough stroke will overprint. Note: Valid when strike through type is not solid. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughGapTint The tint (as a percentage) of the strikethrough stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when strike through type is not solid. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughOffset The amount by which to offset the strikethrough stroke from the text baseline. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughOverprint If true, the strikethrough stroke will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughTint The tint (as a percentage) of the strikethrough stroke. (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughType The stroke type of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: StrokeStyle, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThroughWeight The stroke weight of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strikeThru If true, draws a strikethrough line through the text. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strokeAlignment The stroke alignment applied to the text. Can return: TextStrokeAlign enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strokeColor The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), applied as a stroke color, to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Swatch. read-write
strokeTint The tint (as a percentage) of the stroke color of the ChangeTextPreference. (To specify a tint percentage, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
strokeWeight The stroke weight applied to the characters of the text. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
tatechuyoko If true, makes the character horizontal in vertical text. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
tatechuyokoXOffset The horizontal offset for horizontal characters in vertical text. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
tatechuyokoYOffset The vertical offset for horizontal characters in vertical text. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
tracking The amount by which to loosen or tighten a block of text, specified in thousands of an em. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
trailingAki The amount of space after each character. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
treatIdeographicSpaceAsSpace If true, ideographic spaces will not wrap to the next line like text characters. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
tsume The amount of horizontal character compression. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underline If true, underlines the text. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineColor The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the underline stroke. . Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineGapColor The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the underline stroke. Note: Valid when underline type is not solid. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineGapOverprint If true, the gap color of the underline stroke will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineGapTint The tint (as a percentage) of the gap color of the underline stroke. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when underline type is not solid. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineOffset The amount by which to offset the underline from the text baseline. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineOverprint If true, the underline stroke color will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineTint The underline stroke tint (as a percentage). (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineType The stroke type of the underline stroke. Can return: StrokeStyle, String or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
underlineWeight The stroke weight of the underline stroke. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
verticalScale The vertical scaling applied to the ChangeTextPreference. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
warichu If true, turns on warichu. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
warichuAlignment The warichu alignment. Can return: WarichuAlignment enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
warichuCharsAfterBreak The minimum number of characters allowed after a line break. . Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
warichuCharsBeforeBreak The minimum number of characters allowed before a line break. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
warichuLineSpacing The gap between lines of warichu characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
warichuLines The number of lines of warichu within a single normal line. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
warichuSize The amount (as a percentage) to scale parent text size to determine warichu size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
xOffsetDiacritic The x (horizontal) offset for diacritic adjustment. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write
yOffsetDiacritic The y (vertical) offset for diacritic adjustment. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. read-write


eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → EventListener
eventType, handler ​[, captures])
 → bool
 → string
 → string
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → EventListener
Adds an event listener.
eventType string The event type.
handler The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
 → ChangeTextPreference
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
eventType, handler ​[, captures=false])
 → bool
Removes the event listener.
eventType string The registered event type.
handler The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
captures bool This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
 → string
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the ChangeTextPreference.
 → string
Retrieves the object specifier.