
The text alignment relative to the path.

Static Properties

Name Description
ABOVE_RIGHT_EM_BOX_TEXT_ALIGNMENT The top-edge or right-edge baseline of the em box is aligned to the path.
ABOVE_RIGHT_ICF_BOX_TEXT_ALIGNMENT The ideographic character face box top-edge or right-edge baseline is aligned to the path.
ASCENDER_TEXT_ALIGNMENT Aligns the ascender to the path (not the path's stroke).
BASELINE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT The text baseline is aligned to the path (not the path's stroke).
BELOW_LEFT_EM_BOX_TEXT_ALIGNMENT The bottom-edge or left-edge baseline of the em box is aligned to the path.
BELOW_LEFT_ICF_BOX_TEXT_ALIGNMENT The ideographic character face box bottom-edge or left-edge baseline is aligned to the path.
CENTER_TEXT_ALIGNMENT Aligns the midpoint between the ascender and the descender to the path (not the path's stroke).
DESCENDER_TEXT_ALIGNMENT Aligns descender to the path (not the path's stroke).